Have you ever noticed how chronic pain affects more than just the body? A new study reveals that nearly 40% of adults with chronic pain also experience symptoms of depression or anxiety. Learn more about the connection between pain and mental health.
The blues and the jitters are very common among people battling chronic pain, a new evidence review says.About 40% of adults with chronic pain have symptoms of depression or anxiety, researchers report in JA...
Ever feel like your asthma symptoms change depending on the time of day? A new study reveals that the accuracy of asthma tests can vary based on when—and even what time of year—they’re taken. Learn why morning might be the best time for testing!
The time of day -- or year -- an asthma test takes place can affect its accuracy, a new study says.Routine asthma testing is more reliable when done in the morning, researchers reported in the journal
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Just 15 minutes of playtime with a dog could help lower your stress levels, reduce your heart rate, and even decrease cortisol, according to new research! Discover how a furry friend could be your ultimate stress reliever.
Playing with a dog for just 15 minutes can significantly reduce a person’s stress, a new study reports.Stressed students who interacted with a friendly dog reported less stress...
What if technology could help people with spinal cord injuries move again? A groundbreaking study reveals how a muscle-stimulating implant and robotic exoskeleton are making this a reality. Read more about this incredible advancement!
A muscle-stimulating implant combined with a robotic exoskeleton can help restore movement in people paralyzed by a spinal cord injury, a new study says.The spinal cord implant delivers well-timed electrical pulses to muscles, stimulating natural muscle activity coordinated with supportive...
Ever find yourself reminiscing about the "good old days"? While nostalgia might seem like just a sentimental escape, research shows it can actually boost your health and well-being! Find out how looking back can help you move forward.
Nostalgia might be met by eyerolls from some, as the emotion might inspire insipid images of rose-tinted glasses, gooey sentimentality and living in a time-lost past.But people prone to nostalgia have an edge when it comes to their health and well-being, a new study says.Nostalgic p...
Looking for a fun and refreshing way to lose weight? Water aerobics might be the secret to trimming your waistline and shedding pounds! Dive into the research and see how splashing around can help with weight loss.
Purposeful splishing and splashing can help you trim your waist size and drop excess pounds, a new evidence review has concluded.Water aerobics led to about 6 pounds of weight loss and more than an inch off the waists of overweight and obese people, researchers reported in the journal ...
Hi, I am with Town Hall.
We are preparing Welcome Kits for new families moving into Guntersville.
Our Welcome Kits will feature and refer these new families to one local Pharmacy.
I would like to discuss your being the referred Pharmacy for these new families.
Please message me to learn more. Or for immediate assistance, feel free to call or text me on my cell which is provided below.
Montie Connelly
Could the way your child sleeps impact their concussion recovery? New research suggests that limiting naps and getting around seven hours of sleep per night can help kids heal faster. Learn more about the connection between sleep and brain recovery!
Could a simple rule change make youth soccer safer for kids? Research shows that limiting or banning headers has led to a significant drop in soccer-related concussions. Find out how this change is protecting young athletes.
Did you know that staying active could significantly boost survival rates for female cancer survivors? A new study reveals that just one hour of moderate to vigorous exercise per day can lower the risk of heart disease and overall mortality. Learn how movement can be a lifesaver.
Female cancer survivors who walk and exercise more have a lower risk of dying from heart disease, a new study suggests.One hour a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity reduced women&...
Did you know that heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S.? With one American losing their life to it every 33 seconds, understanding cardiovascular health is more important than ever. Learn how to protect your heart and reduce your risk!
Cardiovascular disease is a general term that refers to many different types of heart problems.Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. In fact, one American dies from heart disease every 33 seconds, according to the
Have you ever wondered why some women experience postpartum depression while others don’t? New research suggests subtle brain changes during pregnancy may play a key role in emotional and stress regulation after childbirth. Discover what scientists have uncovered about postpartum depression and what it could mean for future treatments.
#PostpartumDepression #MentalHealth #Motherhood #BrainHealth #NewResearch ... See moreSee less
Have you ever noticed how a favorite song can instantly boost your mood? For people with dementia, music therapy might do even more—helping ease depression and improve behavior. Discover how the power of music is making a difference!
Music therapy can help lift the spirits and ease depression in people with dementia, a new evidence review has found.Findings suggest that music-based therapy probably impro...
Having trouble sleeping as you age? Instead of counting sheep, try lifting weights! A new study reveals that resistance exercise could be the key to better sleep for seniors—learn more!
Seniors battling insomnia are best off picking up some dumbbells or doing some push-ups, a new evidence review suggests.Resistance exercise, activities that make muscles work against an e...
Struggling to get a good night’s sleep as you get older? You’re not alone—changes in stress levels, sleep structure, and hormones could be to blame. Find out what experts say about improving your sleep quality!
Tossing and turning more as you age? You’re not alone -- and experts think they know why.Dr. Shelby Harris, a sleep psychologist in White Plains, N.Y., explained that stress, sleep structure and hormonal changes can impact sleep as people...
Do spring allergies have you sneezing instead of enjoying the sunshine? From congestion to brain fog, seasonal allergies can make this time of year miserable—but there are ways to fight back! Learn how to manage your symptoms and breathe easier this spring.
Spring brings warmer weather, but for allergy sufferers, it also means sneezing, wheezing and itchy eyes. Instead of enjoying the season, you may be battling congestion and brain fog. So, what can you do to manage your spring allergy symptoms? Spring allergy treatments range from simp...
Could the flu cause more than just a fever and chills? Health officials are investigating a rise in rare but serious brain complications in children amid this year’s severe flu season. Learn more about the risks and how to protect your family.
As this year’s severe flu season rages across the country, federal health officials are investigating a rise in rare but life-threatening brain complications in children.The U.S. Centers for D...
Are you getting the right amount of sleep, or is your health at risk without you even realizing it? A new study reveals that too little—or too much—sleep can increase the risk of early death. Discover why sleep balance matters and how to improve your rest!
About two-thirds of Americans are getting too little or too much sleep, risking their health, a new study suggests.In fact, people not getting the right amount of sleep – s...
Ever notice how a good workout boosts your mood and clears your mind? Science backs it up—regular exercise isn’t just great for your body, it’s a powerful tool for brain health too! Learn how staying active can keep your mind sharp and strong.
Moving your body helps your brain, a new study suggests.Folks who regularly exercise have better mental and brain health, researchers will report in early April at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in San Diego and online.Moderate to vigorous physical activity ...
Have you ever been afraid of something, only to realize later it wasn’t a real threat? Your brain is wired for survival, but sometimes, it overreacts—holding onto fears that aren’t necessary. A new study reveals how the brain learns to let go of fear, paving the way for better treatments for anxiety, PTSD, and phobias!
Feeling scared? Your fear is a survival tool, but sometimes, it overreacts -- making us afraid of things that aren’t true threats. A new study shows how the brain learns to let go of unnecessary fears, offering potential new ways for treating conditions such as
Ever feel like your eyesight isn’t as sharp after hours on your phone or computer? Research shows that too much screen time could actually increase your risk of nearsightedness. Find out how to protect your vision!
Each hour a person spends squinting into a smartphone or staring at a screen increases their risk of nearsightedness, a new evidence review suggests.Every dai...
Not sure if you're up to date on your vaccines? With measles cases rising and flu season in full swing, now is the time to check your vaccination status. Staying protected starts with knowing where you stan#VaccinesWorks#StayProtectede#PublicHealthealth ... See moreSee less
With measles cases on the rise and flu season straining the nation's hospitals, health experts urge adults to check their vaccination status and get any missing shots.Health experts agree that vacci...
Could regular exercise be the key to a longer life—even after a colon cancer diagnosis? New research suggests that staying active can help survivors outlive even the average person. Find out how movement makes a difference!
Frequent exercise can help colon cancer survivors live longer, perhaps even outlasting average folks, a new study suggests.Colon cancer patients who were very physically active had three-year surviva...
Ever felt lightheaded and suddenly blacked out? Fainting can be alarming, but in many cases, it's harmless. Learn what causes it and when it might signal something more seriou#healthtipsh#Faintingn#KnowTheSignsSigns ... See moreSee less
Fainting can be scary, but it's often harmless. Known medically as syncope, fainting happens when there’s not enough blood flow to the brain, causing a brief loss of consci...
Are your kids drinking the healthiest beverages for their growth and development? Experts say plain cow’s milk, water, and even a splash of veggie juice are still the top choices for children and teens. Find out why these simple options beat sugary drinks!
Got milk? It turns out, plain cow’s milk, water and a bit of veggie juice are still the best drink choices for kids and teens.That's the consensus of experts who recently issued healthy beverage reco...
Does this flu season feel worse than usual? You're not imagining it—this is shaping up to be the worst flu season in a decade, with millions already affected. Find out what’s behind the surge and how you can stay protected!
The current flu season is shaping up to be the worst in a decade.So far, there have been at least 29 million illnesses and 370,000 hospitalizations related to the flu -- the most since the 2015-2016 season, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC)
Could walking be the key to a better stroke recovery? A new study finds that stroke patients who incorporate more walking into their rehab see significant improvements in mobility and quality of life. Learn why movement matters!
Stroke patients leave the hospital with better prospects if they’re forced to hoof it more during recovery, a new study suggests.Adding a half-hour of progressive walking exercises to standard stroke rehab m...
Is your teen athlete getting the right fuel to perform their best? A new study reveals that many high school athletes lack basic nutrition knowledge—impacting their energy, performance, and recovery. Find out what they might be missing!
High school athletes often hit the field improperly fueled for the competition ahead, because they haven’t been taught important basics of nutrition, a new study says.In surveys, teen athletes revealed a dramatic lack of knowledge about nutrition facts that could help them compete ha...
Have you ever wished you could recognize musical notes just by hearing them? A new study suggests that perfect pitch isn’t just for legends like Mariah Carey and Jimi Hendrix—you might be able to develop it with the right training!
From Mariah Carey and Jimi Hendrix to Michael Jackson, Ella Fitzgerald and Bing Crosby, a select group of famous musicians past and present have had have perfect pitch. Now, a new study suggests that ...
Bunch Pharmacy
2 hours ago
Have you ever noticed how chronic pain affects more than just the body? A new study reveals that nearly 40% of adults with chronic pain also experience symptoms of depression or anxiety. Learn more about the connection between pain and mental health.
#chronicpain #mentalhealthmatters #healthresearch ... See moreSee less
Depression, Anxiety Common Among Chronic Pain Patients
The blues and the jitters are very common among people battling chronic pain, a new evidence review says.About 40% of adults with chronic pain have symptoms of depression or anxiety, researchers report in JA...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
1 day ago
Ever feel like your asthma symptoms change depending on the time of day? A new study reveals that the accuracy of asthma tests can vary based on when—and even what time of year—they’re taken. Learn why morning might be the best time for testing!
#AsthmaAwareness #BreatheEasy #HealthTips ... See moreSee less
Time Of Day, Year Matters For Asthma Testing
The time of day -- or year -- an asthma test takes place can affect its accuracy, a new study says.Routine asthma testing is more reliable when done in the morning, researchers reported in the journalComment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
2 days ago
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Just 15 minutes of playtime with a dog could help lower your stress levels, reduce your heart rate, and even decrease cortisol, according to new research! Discover how a furry friend could be your ultimate stress reliever.
#stressrelief #dogtherapy #mentalhealthmatters ... See moreSee less
Playing With Dogs Relieves Stress In Humans And Canines Alike
Playing with a dog for just 15 minutes can significantly reduce a person’s stress, a new study reports.Stressed students who interacted with a friendly dog reported less stress...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
3 days ago
What if technology could help people with spinal cord injuries move again? A groundbreaking study reveals how a muscle-stimulating implant and robotic exoskeleton are making this a reality. Read more about this incredible advancement!
#MedicalBreakthrough #spinalcordinjury #InnovationInHealth ... See moreSee less
Implant, Robotics Can Ease Paralysis From Spinal Cord Injuries
A muscle-stimulating implant combined with a robotic exoskeleton can help restore movement in people paralyzed by a spinal cord injury, a new study says.The spinal cord implant delivers well-timed electrical pulses to muscles, stimulating natural muscle activity coordinated with supportive...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
4 days ago
... See moreSee less
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Bunch Pharmacy
4 days ago
Please contact your Senator and
ask him to support this bill. ... See moreSee less
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Bunch Pharmacy
4 days ago
Ever find yourself reminiscing about the "good old days"? While nostalgia might seem like just a sentimental escape, research shows it can actually boost your health and well-being! Find out how looking back can help you move forward.
#Nostalgia #MentalWellness #HealthyMind ... See moreSee less
Nostalgic? It's Better For Friendships, Mental Health
Nostalgia might be met by eyerolls from some, as the emotion might inspire insipid images of rose-tinted glasses, gooey sentimentality and living in a time-lost past.But people prone to nostalgia have an edge when it comes to their health and well-being, a new study says.Nostalgic p...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
5 days ago
Looking for a fun and refreshing way to lose weight? Water aerobics might be the secret to trimming your waistline and shedding pounds! Dive into the research and see how splashing around can help with weight loss.
#waterworkout #weightlossjourney #FitnessFun ... See moreSee less
Splash Your Way To Weight Loss Through Water Aerobics
Purposeful splishing and splashing can help you trim your waist size and drop excess pounds, a new evidence review has concluded.Water aerobics led to about 6 pounds of weight loss and more than an inch off the waists of overweight and obese people, researchers reported in the journal ...Comment on Facebook
Hi, I am with Town Hall. We are preparing Welcome Kits for new families moving into Guntersville. Our Welcome Kits will feature and refer these new families to one local Pharmacy. I would like to discuss your being the referred Pharmacy for these new families. Please message me to learn more. Or for immediate assistance, feel free to call or text me on my cell which is provided below. Thanks. Montie Connelly 856-215-0425
Bunch Pharmacy
6 days ago
Could the way your child sleeps impact their concussion recovery? New research suggests that limiting naps and getting around seven hours of sleep per night can help kids heal faster. Learn more about the connection between sleep and brain recovery!
#concussionrecovery #sleepmatters #healthykids #brainhealth #parenttips ... See moreSee less
Good Sleep Accelerates Kids' Concussion Recovery
Sleep is a critical component for concussion recovery among kids, a new study reports.Limiting naps during the day and getting about seven hour...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
1 week ago
Could a simple rule change make youth soccer safer for kids? Research shows that limiting or banning headers has led to a significant drop in soccer-related concussions. Find out how this change is protecting young athletes.
#youthsports #Concussionprevention #soccersafety #healthykids #brainhealth ... See moreSee less
Rule Change Reduced Concussion Risk For Soccer Kids
A simple rule change for youth soccer dramatically reduced concussion risk among athletes, a new study says.Banning or limiting headers -- play...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
1 week ago
Did you know that staying active could significantly boost survival rates for female cancer survivors? A new study reveals that just one hour of moderate to vigorous exercise per day can lower the risk of heart disease and overall mortality. Learn how movement can be a lifesaver.
#hearthealth #cancersurvivor #StayActive #womenshealth #moveforlife ... See moreSee less
Walking Can Save Cancer Survivors From Heart-Related Death
Female cancer survivors who walk and exercise more have a lower risk of dying from heart disease, a new study suggests.One hour a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity reduced women&...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
1 week ago
Did you know that heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S.? With one American losing their life to it every 33 seconds, understanding cardiovascular health is more important than ever. Learn how to protect your heart and reduce your risk!
#hearthealth #KnowTheFacts #PreventionMatters ... See moreSee less
What Is Cardiovascular Disease?
Cardiovascular disease is a general term that refers to many different types of heart problems.Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. In fact, one American dies from heart disease every 33 seconds, according to theComment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
1 week ago
Have you ever wondered why some women experience postpartum depression while others don’t? New research suggests subtle brain changes during pregnancy may play a key role in emotional and stress regulation after childbirth. Discover what scientists have uncovered about postpartum depression and what it could mean for future treatments.
#PostpartumDepression #MentalHealth #Motherhood #BrainHealth #NewResearch ... See moreSee less
Brain Changes May Help Explain Postpartum Depression
Subtle changes in the brain during pregnancy may help explain why some women develop postpartum depression.A study published March 5 inComment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
2 weeks ago
Have you ever noticed how a favorite song can instantly boost your mood? For people with dementia, music therapy might do even more—helping ease depression and improve behavior. Discover how the power of music is making a difference!
#musictherapy #dementiacare #HealingThroughMusic ... See moreSee less
Music Soothes Depression In Dementia Patients
Music therapy can help lift the spirits and ease depression in people with dementia, a new evidence review has found.Findings suggest that music-based therapy probably impro...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
2 weeks ago
Having trouble sleeping as you age? Instead of counting sheep, try lifting weights! A new study reveals that resistance exercise could be the key to better sleep for seniors—learn more!
#BetterSleep #activeaging #healthtips ... See moreSee less
Weight Training Best Exercise For Insomnia Among Seniors
Seniors battling insomnia are best off picking up some dumbbells or doing some push-ups, a new evidence review suggests.Resistance exercise, activities that make muscles work against an e...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
2 weeks ago
Struggling to get a good night’s sleep as you get older? You’re not alone—changes in stress levels, sleep structure, and hormones could be to blame. Find out what experts say about improving your sleep quality!
#BetterSleep #SleepHealth #Wellness ... See moreSee less
Why Sleep Gets Harder With Age And How To Sleep Better
Tossing and turning more as you age? You’re not alone -- and experts think they know why.Dr. Shelby Harris, a sleep psychologist in White Plains, N.Y., explained that stress, sleep structure and hormonal changes can impact sleep as people...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
2 weeks ago
Do spring allergies have you sneezing instead of enjoying the sunshine? From congestion to brain fog, seasonal allergies can make this time of year miserable—but there are ways to fight back! Learn how to manage your symptoms and breathe easier this spring.
#springallergies #BreatheEasy #allergyrelief #hellospring ... See moreSee less
How to Treat Spring Allergies: A Graduated Approach
Spring brings warmer weather, but for allergy sufferers, it also means sneezing, wheezing and itchy eyes. Instead of enjoying the season, you may be battling congestion and brain fog. So, what can you do to manage your spring allergy symptoms? Spring allergy treatments range from simp...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
2 weeks ago
Could the flu cause more than just a fever and chills? Health officials are investigating a rise in rare but serious brain complications in children amid this year’s severe flu season. Learn more about the risks and how to protect your family.
#FluSeason #HealthAlert #ProtectOurKids #StayInformed ... See moreSee less
Severe Flu Season Raises Concerns About Brain Complications in Kids
As this year’s severe flu season rages across the country, federal health officials are investigating a rise in rare but life-threatening brain complications in children.The U.S. Centers for D...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
2 weeks ago
Are you getting the right amount of sleep, or is your health at risk without you even realizing it? A new study reveals that too little—or too much—sleep can increase the risk of early death. Discover why sleep balance matters and how to improve your rest!
#sleephealth #BetterSleep #RestWell #HealthMatters ... See moreSee less
Poor Sleep Endangering The Health of Two-Thirds of Americans
About two-thirds of Americans are getting too little or too much sleep, risking their health, a new study suggests.In fact, people not getting the right amount of sleep – s...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
2 weeks ago
Ever notice how a good workout boosts your mood and clears your mind? Science backs it up—regular exercise isn’t just great for your body, it’s a powerful tool for brain health too! Learn how staying active can keep your mind sharp and strong.
#BrainBoost #MoveForYourMind #ExerciseMatters #HealthyBodyHealthyMind ... See moreSee less
Physical Activity Linked to Better Mental, Brain Health
Moving your body helps your brain, a new study suggests.Folks who regularly exercise have better mental and brain health, researchers will report in early April at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in San Diego and online.Moderate to vigorous physical activity ...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
3 weeks ago
Have you ever been afraid of something, only to realize later it wasn’t a real threat? Your brain is wired for survival, but sometimes, it overreacts—holding onto fears that aren’t necessary. A new study reveals how the brain learns to let go of fear, paving the way for better treatments for anxiety, PTSD, and phobias!
#MindOverFear #BrainScience #MentalHealthMatters #FearlessFuture ... See moreSee less
Study Reveals How the Brain Lets Go of Fear
Feeling scared? Your fear is a survival tool, but sometimes, it overreacts -- making us afraid of things that aren’t true threats. A new study shows how the brain learns to let go of unnecessary fears, offering potential new ways for treating conditions such asComment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
3 weeks ago
Ever feel like your eyesight isn’t as sharp after hours on your phone or computer? Research shows that too much screen time could actually increase your risk of nearsightedness. Find out how to protect your vision!
#EyeHealth #ScreenTime ... See moreSee less
Just One Hour of Screen Time Increases Risk of Nearsightedness
Each hour a person spends squinting into a smartphone or staring at a screen increases their risk of nearsightedness, a new evidence review suggests.Every dai...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
3 weeks ago
Not sure if you're up to date on your vaccines? With measles cases rising and flu season in full swing, now is the time to check your vaccination status. Staying protected starts with knowing where you stan#VaccinesWorks#StayProtectede#PublicHealthealth ... See moreSee less
Lost Your Vaccine Records? Here’s How to Track Them Down
With measles cases on the rise and flu season straining the nation's hospitals, health experts urge adults to check their vaccination status and get any missing shots.Health experts agree that vacci...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
3 weeks ago
Could regular exercise be the key to a longer life—even after a colon cancer diagnosis? New research suggests that staying active can help survivors outlive even the average person. Find out how movement makes a difference!
#StayActive #cancersurvivor #healthyliving ... See moreSee less
Exercise Helps Colon Cancer Survivors Live Longer
Frequent exercise can help colon cancer survivors live longer, perhaps even outlasting average folks, a new study suggests.Colon cancer patients who were very physically active had three-year surviva...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
3 weeks ago
Ever felt lightheaded and suddenly blacked out? Fainting can be alarming, but in many cases, it's harmless. Learn what causes it and when it might signal something more seriou#healthtipsh#Faintingn#KnowTheSignsSigns ... See moreSee less
Fainting: Simple Tips to Stay Safe
Fainting can be scary, but it's often harmless. Known medically as syncope, fainting happens when there’s not enough blood flow to the brain, causing a brief loss of consci...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
3 weeks ago
Are your kids drinking the healthiest beverages for their growth and development? Experts say plain cow’s milk, water, and even a splash of veggie juice are still the top choices for children and teens. Find out why these simple options beat sugary drinks!
#HealthyHabits #KidsNutrition #DrinkSmart ... See moreSee less
Water, Plain Milk Are the Healthiest Drinks for Kids
Got milk? It turns out, plain cow’s milk, water and a bit of veggie juice are still the best drink choices for kids and teens.That's the consensus of experts who recently issued healthy beverage reco...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
3 weeks ago
Does this flu season feel worse than usual? You're not imagining it—this is shaping up to be the worst flu season in a decade, with millions already affected. Find out what’s behind the surge and how you can stay protected!
#FluSeason #StayHealthy #ProtectYourself #HealthAlert ... See moreSee less
This Flu Season Is Worst In A Decade
The current flu season is shaping up to be the worst in a decade.So far, there have been at least 29 million illnesses and 370,000 hospitalizations related to the flu -- the most since the 2015-2016 season, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC)Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
4 weeks ago
Could walking be the key to a better stroke recovery? A new study finds that stroke patients who incorporate more walking into their rehab see significant improvements in mobility and quality of life. Learn why movement matters!
#strokerecovery #keepmoving #RehabMatters #healthresearch ... See moreSee less
Walking Exercises Improve Stroke Rehab
Stroke patients leave the hospital with better prospects if they’re forced to hoof it more during recovery, a new study suggests.Adding a half-hour of progressive walking exercises to standard stroke rehab m...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
4 weeks ago
Is your teen athlete getting the right fuel to perform their best? A new study reveals that many high school athletes lack basic nutrition knowledge—impacting their energy, performance, and recovery. Find out what they might be missing!
#sportsnutrition #FuelForPerformance #healthyathletes #teenhealth ... See moreSee less
Student Athletes Don't Know How To Fuel With Food, Study Says
High school athletes often hit the field improperly fueled for the competition ahead, because they haven’t been taught important basics of nutrition, a new study says.In surveys, teen athletes revealed a dramatic lack of knowledge about nutrition facts that could help them compete ha...Comment on Facebook
Bunch Pharmacy
4 weeks ago
Have you ever wished you could recognize musical notes just by hearing them? A new study suggests that perfect pitch isn’t just for legends like Mariah Carey and Jimi Hendrix—you might be able to develop it with the right training!
#PerfectPitch #MusicScience #LearnSomethingNew #BrainTraining ... See moreSee less
Adults Can Learn 'Perfect Pitch,' Study Suggests
From Mariah Carey and Jimi Hendrix to Michael Jackson, Ella Fitzgerald and Bing Crosby, a select group of famous musicians past and present have had have perfect pitch. Now, a new study suggests that ...Comment on Facebook